Issue #7

  1. Introducing SIX + GENDERS

  2. My Golem, Her Tower

  3. Do You Know Anshl, the Yeshive Bokher?

  4. Centers of Gravity

  5. This Rumor of Darger's Armies of Girls

  6. My Body is a Prophet

  7. Radical Pleasures and Radical Critique

  8. Let It Bleed, Rona and I

  9. Table for Eleggua, Table for Elijah

  10. Standing Beneath Sinai

  11. Voluminous Absence: Rosemary Mayer’s “Shekinah” and “Bat Kol”

  12. My Own Silence

  13. License to Opacity

  14. "In the future there will be no such creatures like me."

  15. Tefillin Tikkun HaKlali

  16. Talmud Gender Codex

Tefillin Tikkun HaKlali

Ari Wharton



Tefillin Tikkun HaKlali; Tefillin for Repair of All, black jeans, thread, paper, ink, February 14, 2020, 19th of Sh’vat 5780.

This set of tefillin is made to be shared by members of Kohenet, a group of genderqueer people and women who study and pray together. The artist compares the act of making these tefillin to an act of praying. Placed inside the tefillin is Tikkun HaKlali, a collection of ten handwritten chapters from Tehillim.

Ari Wharton is 23 years old, born and based in New York. They hand sew clothing and ritual objects for people they love.